After the Blip!
Because christianity has been around so long it's easy to make the mistake of thinking that it's always been there. In fact, christianity was an ugly and unfortunate blip on the horizon of mankind's thinking.
Christianity was forced upon the populations of Britain and Europe at the point of a sword. The nature religions were either snuffed out or driven underground.
Britain, Scandanavia and much of Europe are turning atheist while the USA and other enclaves of ignorance and superstition continue to wallow in christian stupidity.
So where do we, in Australia, go from here?
My idea in launching Luciferions was not to drag us back to the ignorance of pre-christian Europe. I mean "ignorance" in it's truest sense, not as an insult to our ancestors who did the best they could with limited knowledge.
My idea is to merge old world respect for nature with new world science and medicine. I'm not into witches' cauldrons and boiled newts. We should encourage society forward not drag it back.
I'm certainly into pagan sexuality and anything natural that was supressed by the evil church, but keep your toads testicles to yourself thanks.
MicHael visited me earlier this week and we discussed the direction we should be taking. We were pretty much in agreement -- advance not retard. Good luck to pose Druids prancing around Stonehenge in funny hats and blowing odd shaped bugles but it has nothing to do with reality, old or new.

People think that because the cold war is over we're safe. And we are until there's a nuclear accident, a mistake, an error of judgement. If you think it won't happen try running 50 sets of red lights on your way home tonight. Let me know how you get on.
I want to see Luciferions become so large and so influential that we can affect the way our leaders think. I know that sounds ridiculous with just a handful of members, but that could change. All we need to do is find people who care about the future and wake them up.
I'm an old bastard, why should I worry if the world goes to hell in a hand-basket next year? How come young people aren't demanding survival? Has everyone just given up?
Roll me over, tickle my tummy and kill me.
Global warming and a nuclear mishap are on the cards. Nothing will prevent either, or both, unless people wake up and start taking an interest. Leaving it to governments and corporations is suicidal.
And so I would like to see Luciferions and the Real Wild Church become politically active and a force to reckon with.
We can dance around bonfires, fuck mock virgins on altars and enjoy life to the full while we're about it but we need to have a real purpose, a clear focus, and dedication.
When people realise that we're genuine they will join us.
Real Wild Church